* lerp
Performs bilinear interpolation between the values.
float lerp(float value1, float value2, float amount)
vector lerp(vector value1, vector value2, float amount)
vector4 lerp(vector4 value1, vector4 value2, float amount)
Performs bilinear interpolation between the values. If the amount is
outside the range 0 to 1, the values will be extrapolated linearly.
* point
Imports a point attribute value from a geometry.
type point(string geometry, string attribute_name, int pointnumber)
type point(int opinput, string attribute_name, int pointnumber)
Returns 0
if importing the attribute failed, the value of the attribute on success.
| The name of the geometry file to reference. Inside Houdini, this may be |
| The name of the attribute (i.e. |
| The point number. |
vector pos; // Get the position of point 3 in "defgeo.bgeo" pos = point("defgeo.bgeo", "P", 3);
* addvariablename
Adds the mapping of the attribute aname to the local variable vname.
void addvariablename(string aname, string vname)
Adds the mapping of the attribute aname to the local variable vname. In
SOPs that support this, such as the Point SOP, one will then have the
local variable $vname referencing the attribute aname. This
emulates the behavior of the AttribCreate SOP.
ex) addvariablename("rot", "ROT");
* concat
Concatenate all the strings specified to form a single string.
string concat(string s1, string s2)
Concatenate all the strings specified to form a single string. This is equivalent (but slightly more efficient when there are more than 2 strings) to adding all the strings together.
ex) s@name = concat(chs("prefix"), "_", itoa(@primnum));
* itoa
Converts an integer to a string.
string itoa(int number)
Converts an integer to a string.
ex) itoa(@primnum)
See VEX contexts to learn about the different contexts (such as surface shaders or displacement shaders) in which the various functions and statements are available.
Du | Takes the derivative of the given value with respect to U. | |
Dv | Takes the derivative of the given value with respect to V. | |
Dw | Takes the derivative of the given value with respect to the 3rd axis, for volume rendering. | |
abs | Returns the absolute value of the argument. | |
acos | Returns the arc-cosine of the argument. | |
addattribute | Adds or changes a point attribute. | |
addgroup | Adds the particle specified by point_number to the group specified. | |
addpoint | Adds a point to the geometry. | |
addprim | Adds a primitive to the geometry. | |
addvariablename | Adds the mapping of the attribute aname to the local variable vname. | |
addvertex | Adds a vertex to the geometry. | |
albedo | Returns the albedo (percentage of reflected light) for a bsdf given the outgoing light direction. | |
alphaname | Returns the default name of the alpha plane (as it appears in the compositor preferences). | |
ambient | Returns the color of ambient light in the scene. | |
anoise | These functions are similar to the Worley noise functions listed above. | |
area | Returns the area of the micropolygon containing a variable such as P. | |
array | Efficiently creates an array from its arguments. | |
arraylength | Returns the length of an array. | |
ashikhmin | | |
asin | Returns the arc-sine of the argument. | |
assign | An efficient way of extracting the components of a vector, vector4, matrix3 or matrix to float variables. | |
atan | Returns the arc-tangent of the argument. | |
atan2 | Returns the arc-tangent of y/x. | |
atof | Converts a string to a float. | |
atoi | Converts a string to an integer. | |
atten | Computes attenuated falloff. | |
attribsize | Returns the size of a geometry attribute. | |
attribtype | Returns the type of a geometry attribute. | |
avg | Returns the average of the vector’s 3 components | |
binput | Returns bilinear sampled input. | |
blinn | Returns the illumination for specular highlights using different lighting models. | |
blinnBRDF | | |
bumpmap | Bump maps will return the color gradient of the image in the du/dv parameters. | |
bumpmapA | | |
bumpmapB | | |
bumpmapG | | |
bumpmapL | | |
bumpmapR | | |
bumpname | Returns the default name of the bump plane (as it appears in the compositor preferences). | |
ceil | Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the argument. | |
ch | Evaluates a channel (or parameter) and return its value. | |
ch3 | Evaluates a channel (or parameter) and return its value. | |
ch4 | Evaluates a channel (or parameter) and return its value. | |
chend | Returns the end sample of the input specified. | |
chendf | Returns the frame corresponding to the last sample of the input specified. | |
chendt | Returns the time corresponding to the last sample of the input specified. | |
chf | Evaluates a channel (or parameter) and return its value. | |
chi | Evaluates a channel (or parameter) and return its value. | |
chinput | Returns the value of a channel at the specified sample in an input. | |
chname | Returns the channel name of the indexed plane. | |
chnumchan | Returns the number of channels in the input specified. | |
chp | Evaluates a channel (or parameter) and return its value. | |
chramp | Evaluates a ramp parameter and return its value. | |
chrate | Returns the sample rate of the input specified. | |
chs | Evaluates a channel (or parameter) and return its value. | |
chstart | Returns the start sample of the input specified. | |
chstartf | Returns the frame corresponding to the first sample of the input specified. | |
chstartt | Returns the time corresponding to the first sample of the input specified. | |
chv | Evaluates a channel (or parameter) and return its value. | |
cinput | Returns point sampled input. | |
ckspline | Computes a Catmull-Rom (Cardinal) spline between the key points specified. | |
clamp | Returns value clamped between min and max. | |
clip | Clip the line segment between p0 and p1. | |
colormap | Looks up a color from a disk image. | |
colorname | Returns the default name of the color plane (as it appears in the compositor preferences). | |
computenormal | In the POP and SOP contexts, sets how/whether to recompute normals. In the shading contexts, computes normals. | |
concat | Concatenate all the strings specified to form a single string. | |
cone | | |
cos | Returns the cosine of the argument. | |
cosh | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the argument. | |
cracktransform | Depending on the value of c, returns the translate (c=0), rotate (c=1), or scale (c=2) component of the transform (xform). | |
cross | Returns the cross product between the two vectors. | |
cspline | Computes a Catmull-Rom (Cardinal) spline between the key points specified. | |
ctransform | Transforms between color spaces. | |
cvex_bsdf | | |
degrees | Returns the argument from radians into degrees. | |
depthmap | The depthmap functions work on an image which was rendered as a z-depth image from mantra. | |
depthname | Returns the default name of the depth plane (as it appears in the compositor preferences). | |
detail | Imports a detail attribute value from a geometry. | |
detailattribsize | Returns the size of a geometry detail attribute. | |
detailattribtype | Returns the type of a geometry detail attribute. | |
determinant | Computes the determinant of the matrix. | |
diffuse | Returns the diffuse (Lambertian) illumination given the normalized surface normal. | |
diffuseBRDF | | |
dihedral | Computes the rotation matrix which rotates the vector a onto the vector b. | |
dimport | Imports a variable from the displacement shader for the surface. | |
distance | Returns the distance between the two 3 or 4 dimensional point arguments. | |
distance2 | Returns the squared distance between the two 3 or 4 dimensional point arguments. | |
dot | Returns the dot product between the arguments. | |
dsmpixel | Reads the z-records stored in a pixel of a deep shadow map or deep camera map. | |
emission_bsdf | Returns the emissive component of a bsdf. | |
environment | Returns the color of the environment texture. | |
erf | Gauss error function. | |
erfc | Gauss error function’s complement. | |
eval_bsdf | Evaluates a bsdf given two vectors. | |
exp | Returns the exponential function of the argument. | |
fastshadow | Sends a ray from the position P along the direction specified by the direction D. | |
filtershadow | Sends a ray from the position P along direction D. | |
filterstep | Returns the anti-aliased weight of the step function. | |
findattribval | Returns element index where an integer or string attribute has a certain value. | |
findattribvalcount | Returns number of elements where an integer or string attribute has a certain value. | |
finput | Returns fully filtered pixel input. | |
fit | Takes the value in the range (omin, omax) and shifts it to the corresponding value in the new range (nmin, nmax). | |
fit01 | Takes the value in the range (0, 1) and shifts it to the corresponding value in the new range (nmin, nmax). | |
fit10 | Takes the value in the range (1, 0) and shifts it to the corresponding value in the new range (nmin, nmax). | |
fit11 | Takes the value in the range (-1, 1) and shifts it to the corresponding value in the new range (nmin, nmax). | |
floor | Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the argument. | |
flownoise | Generates 1D and 3D Perlin Flow Noise from 3D and 4D data. | |
flowpnoise | There are two forms of Perlin-style noise: a non-periodic noise which changes randomly throughout N-dimensional space, and a periodic form which repeats over a given range of space. | |
foreach | | |
forpoints | | |
frac | Returns the fractional component of the floating point number. | |
fresnel | Computes the fresnel reflection/refraction contributions given an incoming vector, surface normal (both normalized), and an index of refraction (eta). | |
fromNDC | Transforms a position from normal device coordinates to the coordinates in the appropriate space. | |
frontface | If dot(I, Nref) is less than zero, N will be negated. | |
gather | Sends rays into the scene and returns information from the shaders of surfaces hit by the rays. | |
geoself | Returns a handle to the current geometry. | |
getattribute | Copies the value of a geometry attribute into a variable. | |
getbbox | Sets two vectors to the minimum and maximum corners of the bounding box for the entire geometry. | |
getblurP | Returns the blurred point position (P) vector at a fractional time within the motion blur exposure. | |
getbounces | | |
getbounds | Returns the bounding box of the geometry specified by the filename. | |
getcomp | Extracts a single component of a vector type, matrix type, or array. | |
getfogname | Returns the name of the current object whose shader is being run. | |
getglobalraylevel | Returns the depth of the ray tree for computing global illumination. | |
getlightname | Returns the name of the current light when called from within an illuminance loop, or converts an integer light ID into the light’s name. | |
getlights | Returns an array of light identifiers for the currently shaded surface. | |
getobjectname | Returns the name of the current object whose shader is being run. | |
getphotonlight | Returns the integer ID of the light being used for photon shading. | |
getraylevel | Returns the depth of the ray tree for the current shading. | |
getrayweight | Returns an approximation to the contribution of the ray to the final pixel color. | |
gradient | Returns the gradient of a field. | |
gradient3d | Returns the gradient of a single channel texture image at the position specified by P. | |
hasdetailattrib | Returns if a geometry detail attribute exists. | |
hasplane | Returns 1 if the plane specified by the parameter exists in this COP. | |
haspointattrib | Returns if a geometry point attribute exists. | |
hasprimattrib | Returns if a geometry prim attribute exists. | |
hasvertexattrib | Returns if a geometry vertex attribute exists. | |
henyeygreenstein | Returns an anisotropic volumetric bsdf, which can scatter light forward or backward. | |
hscript_noise | Mimics the Houdini expression functions noise(), snoise(), turb(), and sturb(). | |
hscript_rand | Produces the exact same results as the Houdini expression function of the same name. | |
hscript_snoise | | |
hscript_sturb | | |
hscript_turb | | |
hsvtorgb | Convert HSV color space into RGB color space. | |
iaspect | Returns the aspect ratio of the specified input. | |
ichname | Returns the channel name of the indexed plane of the given input (e. | |
ident | Computes identity matrices. | |
iend | Returns the last frame of the specified input. | |
iendtime | Returns the end time of the specified input. | |
ihasplane | Returns 1 if the specified input has a plane named planename. | |
illuminance | Loops through all light sources in the scene, calling the light shader for each light source to set the Cl and L global variables. | |
import | Imports attribute data from the SOP or POP connected to the specified input. | |
importance_light | Returns an estimate of a light’s contribution to the overall scene lighting. | |
ingroup | Returns 1 if the particle specified by the point number is in the group specified by the string. | |
inpointgroup | Returns 1 if the point specified by the point number is in the group specified by the string. | |
inprimgroup | Returns 1 if the primitive specified by the primitive number is in the group specified by the string. | |
instance | Creates an instance transform matrix. | |
integrate3d | This function will “integrate” the 3d image along the line specified by p0 and p1. | |
integrate3dClip | The integrate3dClip function integrates along the ray described by p0 and p1 where “interesting” things start happening in a given I3D texture. | |
interpolate | Interpolates a value across the currently shaded micropolygon. | |
intersect | This function computes the intersection of the specified ray with the geometry. | |
intersect3d | This function intersects a ray (with it’s origin at p0 and extending to p1), against a 3d texture image. | |
intersect_lights | Finds the nearest intersection of a ray with any of a list of (area) lights and runs the light shader at the intersection point. | |
inumplanes | Returns the number of planes in the given input. | |
invert | Inverts the matrix. | |
iplaneindex | Returns the index of the plane named 'planename' in the specified input. | |
iplanename | Returns the name of the plane specified by the planeindex of the given input (e. | |
iplanesize | Returns the number of components in the plane named planename in the specified input. | |
irate | Returns the frame rate of the specified input. | |
irradiance | Computes irradiance (global illumination) at the point P with the normal N. | |
isbound | Parameters in VEX can be overridden by geometry attributes (if the attributes exist on the surface being rendered). | |
isconnected | Returns 1 if input_number is connected, or 0 if the input is not connected. | |
isfogray | Returns 1 if the shader is being called to evaluate illumination for fog objects, or 0 if the light or shadow shader is being called to evaluate surface illumination. | |
isframes | Returns 1 if the Vex CHOP’s Unit Menu is currently set to 'frames', 0 otherwise. | |
isotropic | Returns an isotropic bsdf, which scatters light equally in all directions. | |
israytracing | Indicates whether a shader is being executed for ray tracing. | |
issamples | Returns 1 if the Vex CHOP’s Unit Menu is currently set to 'samples', 0 otherwise. | |
isseconds | Returns 1 if the Vex CHOP’s Unit Menu is currently set to 'seconds', 0 otherwise. | |
isshadowray | Returns 1 if the shader is being called to evaluate opacity for shadow rays, or 0 if the shader is being called to evaluate for surface color. | |
istart | Returns the starting frame of the specified input. | |
istarttime | Returns the start time of the specified input. | |
isvarying | Check whether a VEX variable is varying or uniform. | |
itoa | Converts an integer to a string. | |
ixres | Returns the X resolution of the specified input. | |
iyres | Returns the Y resolution of the specified input. | |
kspline | Returns an interpolated value along a spline curve. | |
length | Returns the length of the vector or vector4. | |
length2 | Returns the squared distance of the vector or vector4. | |
lerp | Performs bilinear interpolation between the values. | |
limport | Imports a variable from the light shader for the surface. | |
lkspline | Computes a linear spline between the key points. | |
log | Returns the natural logarithm of the argument. | |
log10 | Returns the logarithm (base 10) of the argument. | |
lookat | Computes a rotation matrix to orient the z-axis along the vector (to-from) under the transformation. | |
lspline | Computes a linear spline between the key points. | |
luminance | Compute the luminance of the RGB color specified by the parameters. | |
lumname | Returns the default name of the luminence plane (as it appears in the compositor preferences). | |
maketransform | Builds a 3×3 or 4×4 transform matrix. | |
maskname | Returns the default name of the mask plane (as it appears in the compositor preferences). | |
match | This function returns 1 if the subject matches the pattern specified, or 0 if the subject doesn’t match. | |
matchvex_blinn | | |
matchvex_specular | | |
mattrib | Returns the value of the point attribute for the metaballs if metaball geometry is specified to i3dgen. | |
max | | |
mdensity | Returns the density of the metaball field if metaball geometry is specified to i3dgen. | |
metaimport | Once you get a handle to a metaball using metastart and metanext, you can query attributes of the metaball with metaimport. | |
metamarch | Takes the ray defined by p0 and p1 and partitions it into zero or more sub-intervals where each interval intersects a cluster of metaballs from filename. | |
metanext | | |
metastart | Open a geometry file and return a “handle” for the metaballs of interest, at the position p. | |
metaweight | Returns the metaweight of the geometry at position p. | |
min | | |
minpos | Finds the closest position on the surface of a geometry. | |
mspace | Transforms the position specified into the “local” space of the metaball. | |
nbouncetypes | | |
nearpoint | Finds the closest point of a geometry. | |
neighbour | Returns the point index of the neighbour of the point. | |
neighbourcount | Returns the number of points that are connected to the specified point. | |
neighbours | Returns an array of the point numbers of the neighbours of a point. | |
newgroup | Creates a new group in which to put particles. | |
newsampler | | |
nextsample | | |
ninput | Reads a pixel and its eight neighbors into a 3×3 matrix. | |
noise | There are two forms of Perlin-style noise: a non-periodic noise which changes randomly throughout N-dimensional space, and a periodic form which repeats over a given range of space. | |
normal_bsdf | Returns the normal for the diffuse component of a bsdf. | |
normalize | Returns the normalized vector. | |
normalname | Returns the default name of the normal plane (as it appears in the compositor preferences). | |
npoints | | |
npointsgroup | | |
nprimitives | Returns the number of primitives in the geometry file. | |
nprimitivesgroup | | |
nrandom | The nrandom() functions are non-deterministic random number generators for VEX. | |
ntransform | See ptransform. | |
nuniqueval | Returns the number of unique values from an integer or string attribute. | |
occlusion | Computes ambient occlusion. | |
onoise | These functions are similar to wnoise and vnoise. | |
optransform | Returns the transform associated with an OP. | |
ow_nspace | Transforms a normal vector from Object to World space. | |
ow_space | Transforms a position value from Object to World space. | |
ow_vspace | Transforms a direction vector from Object to World space. | |
pathtrace | | |
pcclose | This function closes the handle associated with a pcopen function. | |
pcconvex | | |
pcexport | Writes data to a point cloud inside a pciterate or a pcunshaded loop. | |
pcfarthest | Returns the distance to the farthest point found in the search performed by pcopen. | |
pcfilter | Filters the points found by pcopen using a simple reconstruction filter. | |
pcgenerate | Generates a point cloud. | |
pcimport | Imports channel data from a point cloud inside a pciterate or a pcunshaded loop. | |
pciterate | This function can be used to iterate over all the points which were found in the pcopen query. | |
pcnumfound | This node returns the number of points found by pcopen. | |
pcopen | Returns a handle to a point cloud file. | |
pcopenlod | Returns a handle to a point cloud file. | |
pcsampleleaf | Changes the current iteration point to a leaf descendant of the current aggregate point. | |
pcunshaded | Iterate over all of the points of a read-write channel which haven’t had any data written to the channel yet. | |
pcwrite | Writes data to a point cloud file. | |
phong | Returns the illumination for specular highlights using different lighting models. | |
phongBRDF | | |
phonglobe | | |
photonmap | The photonmap function will evaluate a photon map and return the resulting color information. | |
planeindex | Returns the index of the plane specified by the parameter, starting at zero. | |
planename | Returns the name of the plane specified by the index (e. | |
planesize | Returns the number of components in the plane (1 for scalar planes and up to 4 for vector planes). | |
pluralize | Converts an English noun to its plural. | |
pnoise | There are two forms of Perlin-style noise: a non-periodic noise which changes randomly throughout N-dimensional space, and a periodic form which repeats over a given range of space. | |
point | Imports a point attribute value from a geometry. | |
pointattribsize | Returns the size of a geometry point attribute. | |
pointattribtype | Returns the type of a geometry point attribute. | |
pointname | Returns the default name of the point plane (as it appears in the compositor preferences). | |
pointvertex | Returns a linear vertex number of a point in a geometry. | |
pop | Removes the last element of an array and returns it. | |
pow | Raises the first argument to the power of the second argument. | |
prim | Imports a primitive attribute value from a geometry. | |
prim_attribute | Copies the value of a primitive attribute at a certain parametric (u, v) position into a variable. | |
prim_normal | Returns the normal of the primitive (prim_number) at parametric location u, v. | |
primattribsize | Returns the size of a geometry prim attribute. | |
primattribtype | Returns the type of a geometry prim attribute. | |
primintrinsic | Imports a primitive intrinsic from a geometry. | |
primuv | Evaluates an attribute on a primitive at a certain parametric (u, v) position into a variable. | |
primvertexcount | Returns number of vertices in a primitive in a geometry. | |
printf | Prints values to the console which started the VEX program. | |
ptlined | This function returns the closest distance between the point Q and a finite line segment between points P0 and P1. | |
ptransform | Transforms a vector from one space to another. | |
push | Adds an item to an array. | |
qconvert | Converts a quaternion represented by a vector4 to a matrix3 representation. | |
qdistance | Finds distance between two quaternions. | |
qinvert | Inverts a quaternion rotation. | |
qmultiply | Multiplies two quaternions and returns the result. | |
qrotate | Rotates a vector by a quaternion. | |
quaternion | Creates a vector4 representing a quaternion. | |
radians | Converts the argument from degrees into radians. | |
rand | Creates a random number between 0 and 1 from a seed. | |
random | Generate a random number based on the position in N dimensional space (where N is 1 to 4 dimensions). | |
random_sobol | Generate a uniformly distributed random number. | |
rawbumpmap | | |
rawbumpmapA | | |
rawbumpmapB | | |
rawbumpmapG | | |
rawbumpmapL | | |
rawbumpmapR | | |
rawcolormap | | |
rayhittest | Sends a ray from the position P along the direction D. | |
rayimport | Imports a value sent by a shader in a gather loop. | |
reflect | Returns the vector representing the reflection of the direction against the normal. | |
reflectlight | Computes the amount of reflected light which hits the surface. | |
refract | Returns the refraction ray given an incoming direction, the normalized normal and an index of refraction. | |
refractlight | Computes the illumination of surfaces refracted by the current surface. | |
relbbox | Returns the relative position of the point given with respect to the bounding box of the entire geometry. | |
removegroup | Removes the particle specified by point_number from the group specified. | |
removepoint | Removes a point from the geometry. | |
removeprim | Removes a primitive from the geometry. | |
renderstate | Queries the renderer for a named property. | |
resize | Sets the length of an array. | |
resolvemissedray | Returns the background color for rays that exit the scene. | |
rgbtohsv | Convert RGB color space to HSV color space. | |
rint | Rounds the number to the closest integer. | |
rotate | Applies a rotation to the given matrix. | |
sample_bsdf | Samples a bsdf. | |
sample_geometry | Samples geometry in the scene and returns information from the shaders of surfaces that were sampled. | |
sample_light | Samples a 3D position on a light source and runs the light shader at that point. | |
scale | Scales the given matrix in three directions simultaneously (X, Y, Z - given by the components of the scale_vector). | |
serialize | Flattens an array of vector or matrix types into an array of floats. | |
set | These two functions provide a very efficient way of creating a vector/vector4. | |
setattrib | Sets an attribute in a geometry. | |
setcomp | Sets a single component of a vector type, matrix type, or array. | |
setcurrentlight | Sets the current light | |
setdetailattrib | Sets a detail attribute in a geometry. | |
setpointattrib | Sets a point attribute in a geometry. | |
setpointgroup | Sets point group membership in a geometry. | |
setprimattrib | Sets a primitive attribute in a geometry. | |
setprimgroup | Sets primitive group membership in a geometry. | |
setprimintrinsic | Sets a primitive intrinsic value in a geometry. | |
setprimvertex | Rewires a vertex in the geometry. | |
setvertexattrib | Sets a vertex attribute in a geometry. | |
shadow | Calls shadow shaders for the current light source. | |
shadow_light | Executes the shadow shader for a given light and returns the amount of shadowing as a multiplier of the shaded color. | |
shadowmap | The shadowmap function will treat the shadow map as if the image were rendered from a light source. | |
shimport | Imports a variable from the shadow shader for the surface. | |
shl | Bit-shifts an integer left. | |
shr | Bit-shifts an integer right. | |
simport | Imports a variable sent by a surface shader in an illuminance loop. | |
sin | Returns the sine of the argument. | |
sinh | Returns the hyperbolic sine of the argument. | |
sleep | Yields processing for a certain number of milliseconds. | |
slerp | Quaternion blend between q1 and q2 based on the bias. | |
smooth | Computes a number between zero and one. | |
snoise | These functions are similar to wnoise. | |
specular | Returns the illumination for specular highlights using different lighting models. | |
specularBRDF | Returns the computed BRDFs for the different lighting models used in VEX shading. | |
spline | Returns an interpolated value along a polyline or spline curve. | |
split | Splits a string into tokens. | |
sprintf | Formats a string like printf but returns the result as a string instead of printing it. | |
sqrt | Returns the square root of the argument. | |
storelightexport | Stores exported data for a light. | |
strlen | Returns the length of the string. | |
swizzle | Rearranges components of a vector. | |
tan | Returns the trigonometric tangent of the argument | |
tanh | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the argument | |
tet_adjacent | Returns primitive number of an adjacent tetrahedron. | |
tet_faceindex | Returns vertex indices of each face of a tetrahedron. | |
teximport | Imports attributes from texture files. | |
texture | Computes a filtered sample of the texture map specified. | |
texture3d | Returns the value of the 3d image at the position specified by P. | |
texture3dBox | This function queries the 3D texture map specified and returns the bounding box information of the file. | |
toNDC | Transforms a position into normal device coordinates. | |
trace | Sends a ray from P along the normalized vector D. | |
translate | Translates the given matrix. | |
transpose | Transposes the given matrix. | |
trunc | If the argument is negative, this returns ceil(x), otherwise it returns floor(x). | |
tw_nspace | Transforms a normal vector from Texture to World space. | |
tw_space | Transforms a position value from Texture to World space. | |
tw_vspace | Transforms a direction vector from Texture to World space. | |
uniqueval | Returns a unique value from an integer or string attribute. | |
unserialize | Turns a flat array of floats into an array of vectors or matrices. | |
variadicarguments | | |
velocityname | Returns the default name of the velocity plane (as it appears in the compositor preferences). | |
vertex | Imports a vertex attribute value from a geometry. | |
vertexattribsize | Returns the size of a geometry vertex attribute. | |
vertexattribtype | Returns the type of a geometry vertex attribute. | |
vertexindex | Convertex a primitive/vertex pair into a linear vertex. | |
vertexnext | Returns the linear vertex number of next shared vertex in a geometry. | |
vertexpoint | Returns the point number of linear vertex in a geometry. | |
vertexprev | Returns the linear vertex number of previous shared vertex in a geometry. | |
vertexprim | Returns the primitive number of a linear vertex in a geometry. | |
vertexprimindex | Converts a linear vertex number into a vertex number within that primitive. | |
vnoise | Voronoi noise gives almost identical results to the Worley noise functions. | |
volume | Returns the volume of the microvoxel containing a variable such as P. | |
volumegradient | Calculates the volume primitive’s gradient. | |
volumeindex | Gets the value of a specific voxel. | |
volumeindextopos | Converts a volume voxel index into a position. | |
volumeindexv | Gets the vector value of a specific voxel. | |
volumepostoindex | Converts a position into a volume voxel index. | |
volumeres | Gets the resolution of a volume primitive. | |
volumesample | Samples the volume primitive’s value. | |
volumesamplev | Samples the volume primitive’s vector value. | |
vtransform | See ptransform. | |
wireblinn | | |
wirediffuse | | |
wnoise | Worley noise scatters points randomly through space (according to a nice Poisson distribution). | |
wo_nspace | Transforms a normal vector from World to Object space. | |
wo_space | Transforms a position value from World to Object space. | |
wo_vspace | Transforms a direction vector from World to Object space. | |
wt_nspace | Transforms a normal vector from World to Texture space. | |
wt_space | Transforms a position value from World to Texture space. | |
wt_vspace | Transforms a direction vector from World to Texture space. | |
xyzdist | Finds the distance of a point to a geometry. |
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